How many rules can you think of for each of this places?
* On an Airplane * In a Library * In an Art Museum * In a Movie Theater
Useful expressions:
You can / can't... You are / aren't allowed to... You have to...
By Carlos Vasquez
Me without you is like a nerd without braces, A shoe without laces, aSentenceWithoutSpaces.
Read the article of Laura Laubeová (2000) titled 'Melting Pot vs. Ethnic Stew' and write a summary of 12 lines including the main ideas.
1. Who organized the parade?
2. What's the parade about?
3. Select and comment the interview of one of the spectators.
4. Name three countries participating in the parade.
5. How is the parade related to New York's 'spirit'?
6. Do you think this kind of events are important? Why?
Imagine you had 10 minutes to interview the president of the United States in the White House. What would you ask him? Prepare 5 questions to him, be clever.
What are some basic facts about Manhattan? Read about it here
Watch the video and write down five recommendations Jack Canfield gives about how to choose a career.
Use the ¨Comments link¨ below for your responses.
To run a marathon you must have LEGS... to win a marathon you must have HEART.
Dave Weinbaum
A clever person turns great troubles into little ones and little ones into none at all.
Chinese Proverb