- What kind of people were in the bar the evening the story begins?
- Why was the Chrysler building an important icon for the Investigator?
- Why does Mr. Marly assume the woman in the bar was an "expensive
woman"? - What kind of legs do you think are normally seen in McFadden´s?
- Describe the appearence of Nathan.
- What was the weather like outside the bar?
- Why did the investigator follow the woman, what did she do?
- Where did Mr. Marly live, where did he work?
- Who was Mrs. Delgado?
- What´s the favorite drink of Nathan?
- Describe Nathan´s office.
- What was Nathan´s background?

What are some basic facts about Manhattan? Read about it here
6 comentarios:
1. the types who didn´t have nice homes and families
2. becouse thats meaning the life that he want a have, ajnh officer in the most beautiful skyscraper in the new york city
3. becouse she looks diferent in that place she´s elegant
4. totaly diferent of the legs of that woman no unforgeted legs
5. nathan was a small bald men of ones 50 years old that have a frustrated life in new york
6. was raining and the rain was turned to snow
7. she ran acroos a red ligh
8. he lives in queens, and he woek in manhatan
9. her receptionist and secretary
10. the beer
11. the office is loke something like the 50s no pc no fak no photocopier, just an old desk and a reading lamp with a green shade, an ancient typewriter and a couple of filing cabinets
12. in the 90s he was a police men of new york then 10 years trying to make a success of being a private investigator
Mateo L
1. the knd of people who doesnt have nice homes, or a family to go to!
2.becouse when he make a succes of his bussinnes thats the place where he want to open an ofice, the most beautiful skycraper in NY city!
3.she came in, with a coat and kiut short black dress, she is blond with blue eyes, and dont forget her necklace made of diamonts and off course the marching earrings.
4.I dont think than in McFadden's bar legs come often, but the once that rarely could someone find would be fat short legs wearing cheap shoes.
5.he is an overweight bald guy in his mid-forties.
6.it was rainning and by the time the woman went out rain was turning into snow.
7.he follow her becouse he was curious, she on the other hand was hurry and she didnt notice the man, she just get lost in the crowd.
8.he lives in queens,and he works in manhattan.
9.she is his secretary, she was born in puerto rico,and she grew up in east harlem.
10.his favorit drink in BEERS!!
11.THE OFFICE LOKED LIKE SOMETHING OUT OF THE 1950'S, , with an old-fashion desk, and an ancientr typewriter and a couple of filing cabinets, and on the wall a 1990 calendar!.
12. he was a police officer from NYPD, he retired in 1990, and then he start his own private investigator bussines.
answers: 1.The people left in the bar weren´t the types who had nice homes and families to go to.
2.Because is there, if he ever make a success of his business, where he´d like to have an office.
3.Because she was wearing a short black dress and around her neck was a diamond necklace.
4.The kind of legs of ugly drunken women and alcoholic men.
5.He is an overweight bald guy with aproximately more than 40 years old.
6.Outside, the rain was turning to snow.
7.Because she looked like someone who really did have problems and he was curious about that; she ran across the street and then she disappear behind the information centre.
8.He lives in queens and works in manhattan.
9.She was Nathan´s receptionist and secretary.
10.His favorite drink is beer.
11.There are an old-fashioned desk, a reading lamp with a green shade, an ancient typewriter, a couple of filing cabinets and a 1990 calendar.
12.He was fifteen years whit the NYPD and another ten years trying to make success of being a private investigator.
1.The People left in the bar werwnt the types who had nice homes and families to go to.
2.Because he´d like to have a own office!!
3.Because she wearing a short black dress which showed a lot of leg, and around her neck was a diamond necklace.
4.The legs of prostitutes woman jajaj
5. Is An overweight bald guy in mid - forties
6. the rain was turning to snow
7. Because she looked like someone who really did have problems, and he was curious. then the woman disappear behind the information center
8.He lives in Queens and works in Manhattan.
9.nathan´s receptionist and secretary.
10.His favorite drink is beer.
11. The office Looks like something out of the 7950s.
The office computer, fax and fotocopier were in reception with stella, there are an old-fashioned desk, a reading lamp with q green shade, an ancient typewriter, and a couple of filing cabinets.
12. He worked to the NYPD for fifteen years and worked as a private investigator for ten years
Manhattan is one of the five boroughs of New York City, located primarily on Manhattan Island at the mouth of the Hudson River. Manhattan is the third-largest of New York's five boroughs in population but the smallest in area. It consists of Manhattan Island and several small adjacent islands: Roosevelt Island, Randall's Island, Ward's Island, Governors Island, Liberty Island, part of Ellis Island,[3] and U Thant Island; as well as Marble Hill, a small section on the mainland adjacent to the Bronx.
Manhattan has the largest central business district in the United States and and is the home to the largest number of corporate headquarters in the nation.
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