Imagine you had 10 minutes to interview the president of the United States in the White House. What would you ask him? Prepare 5 questions to him, be clever.
Once you are sure about the topics of the inteview, study about one of the issues and rebuild the question this way:
The situation is...
Statistics say that...
Then, finish with your question.
7 comentarios:
1.What do you feel when you see all the homeless weather or not be kids on the street?
2.Who do you pray for at night before you go to sleep if you can sleep?
3.What do you feel when you look in the mirror?
4.do you fell guilty about anything?
5.are you aware that youre the man who rules this world? and you see how this wolrd is,you can really live whit that waight in your shoulders after you realized that maybe you did do that much?
1. Have you always wanted to be president of the United States? why?
2. What do you think about the relation with irak? is better now?
3. what about the education and food for poor people and childrens?
4. something you regret in your career like president?
5. what do you think you love the most in this moment of your life?
tati ch
1. when you decide to be the president of the United States?
2. why you want to be a president?
3. what did you feel when you win the elections?
4. did you think you are a good president?
5. how its fell be the first black president of the United States Of America?
Mateo L
ok mr. obama, the situation is that Recognizing that war is inevitable does not mean being pessimistic, it is political realism. the invasion and occupation of Iraq have been among the most important strategic objectives of the Bush administration since it took over the reins of power. Statistics say that if war comes to put off - which seems almost impossible - it would only be for a short time. Sooner rather than later would find a new pretext, if not against Iraq then against North Korea, Iran or any other nation that the ruling class of the United States considers a barrier to their global interests.
so, here the question is ¿What are your strategies to get out of this crisis and this atmosphere of war and what actions different from those of Bush would you take?
estadistics say that the 50% of thye US population is black but in all the history of the United States Of America never has been a black president but you change that, you make history, what did you feel when you win the elections?
Mateo L
the situation is that just In NY are more than 40.000 homeless walking donw the streets,and 16.000 are children.and even knowing that the mayor of the city,have this 3 million dollars plan to put al those people in homeless hotels it requares al least two more years, and that is just New York. but ok, the children get a home, and somewhere to sleep, but think about the future...of those kids, so Barack, youre in youre president limo, on the NY streets and see a couple of dirty kids playind whit a cart, do you open a little bit the window, and give then a few box, or what doyou do?---what do you feel??
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