Write about a country
using the simple present passive and vocabulary for discussing products.
By Carlos Vasquez
To run a marathon you must have LEGS... to win a marathon you must have HEART.
Dave Weinbaum
A clever person turns great troubles into little ones and little ones into none at all.
Chinese Proverb
12 comentarios:
Hi, Carlos Eduardo.
I'm Luis Orlando Villegas.
I write you about the homework than you put in the last class:
I change my original topic: The political. The reason for this change, is really I don't like the polit.
Now my topic is:
My subjects in the University.
Narrow topic:
Which subjects do I teach in the University?
What is the importance of them in the industrial engineering program?
Main ideas:
Name of the subjects
Economic engineering, Operations research, production program and control.
The importance of the subjects in the program
- The students of Industrial Engineering have to develop many habilities for manage money very well.
- The good professionals fin the best method for take management decisions.
- The hard competence betwen the several enterprises make than the directors of them, use the best strategies of program and control to all resources.
i´m olga. Next, my writing about Argentina.
Argentina is located in south of Suramerica between the mountains of the Andes and the Atlantic ocean. it has a population of over 40 million people.
Spanish is the official language, but Argentina is home to more languages besides Spanish such as Mapuche, Quechua, Toba and Guarani, these are the indigenous languages. There are other languages spoken by immigrants such as Welsh, German and Italian. Many of the immigrants groups continue speaking their language to keep the culture alive. French, Polish and Russian are often found languages.
Argentina has Pampas and Gauchos, the famous wine of the Mendoza Region and The Patagonian Landscapes in the south. The money is the Peso Argentino. Its capital is Buenos Aires.
The main cities are: Cordoba, Mendoza, Rosario, San Carlos de Bariloche and Santa Fe.
Typical products are red wine of Mendoza and Argentine Steaks.
Argentina can be divided into several parts: The fertile plains of the Pampas in the northern half of the country, the center of Argentina’s agricultural wealth; the plateau of Patagonia in the southern half down to Tierra de Fuego and the rugged Andes mountain along the western border with Chile.
The Mar del plata Film Festival is projected national and international movies. This festival is organized by the National Institute of Movies and Visual Arts.
Hi, Carlos Eduardo and partners.
I'm Luis Orlando.
I put to your consideration my homework (Exercise 3, part B and C, page 79)
1. During my childhood, I lived in Cali when my father was working in Cartagena.
Oh, really ? Why was he working in Cartagena?
My father was having more economic entrances and better results in his company.
2. When I was going to elementary school, I learned very much of my first teacher.
good !. Why did learn very much of your first teacher ?
She was very patient with all the students. She loved very much her job.
3. I met my best friend while I was studying in the University.
Oh, really? That's interesting. What was you studying in the University ?
I was studying Industrial Engineering, fourtheen years ago.
4. Three years ago, I was working in a flowers company when The Universities Manager offered me a good job in the Institution.
That's good. What labor was you doing in the Flowers Company ?
I was certifiying the company in quality.
5. Last month, my family come from Cali when my little boy was doing the first comunion.
Oh, really ? When they come back to Cali ?
All my family come back to Cali one week later
Luis Orlando Villegas Caldas
September 25 th, 2006
Hi. Olga is in the net
This is my homework. Check it, please!
In 1988 when I was traveling to Coveñas, unfortunately, I had a bus accident. It was so terrible because it occurred during the night while I was sleeping at the bus. I was dreaming that the bus tumbled down several times and meanwhile I was taken out of the bus. Miraculously, I woke up in the grass with a few and trivial injuries. Everybody were screaming and crying asking for help when, fortunately, other people appeared to help us
When we were taking to the Tarasa´s hospital, coincidentally, there was another accident so the hospital was crowded. All of us were in the same place over tables. I was trying to sleep when, suddenly, a man besides me began to shout because he was really injured and he felt so much pain. Then, a nurse came with a syringe and the man cried and shouted more loudly while she was pricking his bladder to get out his urine, because his penis didn’t work. Sadly, the hospital’s attention was terrible there weren’t enough doctors and very bad nurses.
I think that was the worst day in my life.
Again olga.
This is my writing:
Activities for relaxing mind and body
We are going to talk about things or activities that we can make in our free time, such as walking, painting, listening music, reading or writing a book, singing or simply, watching T.V.
Walking is an activity to keep fitness and to relax. Our jobs, sometimes, are very stressfull, if we can take long walks after working we get more relaxed and we won’t need to go on a diet. We recommend walking as the best activity for all ages.
Sometimes, we can walk while listening to music. When people make activities with music, the activities became more pleasant, but listening music without physical activities is very nice as well. Listening to music alone or with friends is one of the most relaxing activities in the life.
The maximum expression of creativity can be to paint. Painting is a very interesting activity to fight against the stress, because we can escape a good from problems or responsibilities. And if we are good at painting, we can earn a lot of money.
In my opinion, leisure activities are very important for our physical and mental health, because our modern lives are very complicated.
Hi Carlos. I´m not the administrator of this blog, I can erase aditional homeworks. Can you help me, please?
The last one is OK, it is my writing about FREE TIME, Don´t erase, please!
Hi, Carlos Eduardo and partners.
I am Luis Orlando
My homework (page 80, exercise 6, part B: A short story)
16 years ago, I was working in a Flowers Company when, fortunately I met a beatiful woman: Beatriz. After two years, miraculously, she accepted me. We got married since may of 1992.
During all this time, fortunately, we had been very happy.
Our third son, surprisingly, was born in a car. Beatriz went early when the doctor, but strangely, he said she: "Isn't time yet!".
My wife and I, get back to home. Unexpectedly, She had many aches and suddenly, our son, bless god, was born in the hand of the his grandmother.
In the same moment, while I took care of my wife, unfortunately, my motorcycle was stole.
Hello Carlos Eduardo
I'm Raquel Serna
I'm sorrow because I didn't send on time the article around Mexico, but this work is in my workbook since two weeks ago. Excuse me
Mexico, or the United States of Mexico, is a country which has about 3/4 parts of its geographical extension in North America, and the rest is located in Centroamerica. This country has bautifull beaches in both, the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. The coast of the Pacific Ocean is elevated and cliff, while the Atlantic coast has low and sandy beaches with the exception of Yucatan, where the coasts are cliff.
The country has mountains and mountain ranges which continue all along the Centroamerican itsmo. It has a considerably volcanic activity.
There are two sities to stand out: the Austral hollow or of the Balsas and the valleys of Mexico, Toluca and Puebla.
Mexico has a wide variety of races very mixed. The principal native groups are: Mayas, Totonacas, Nahoas and Zacatecas.
The main riches are the agriculture and the mining. A high percentage of the population work in the ground, where the principal production is represented in maize tillage, basic product of the food with the frijol, coffee, sugar cane, cotton, potatoes and tomatoes. Mexico is the main producer of silver in the world.
The capital of the United States of Mexico is Mexico city, which is located in the Federal State of Mexico whose capital is Toluca.
Mexico has many turistic centers as: tue Bellas Artes Museum, the Garibaldi Place and the Shrine of the Virgen of Guadalupe.
In Mexico, before the arrival of the spaniards, there was developed numerous and brilliants civilizations as: the Teotihuacan, betwen III and IX centurys, with the Pyramids of the Sun and of the Moon.
Hello Carlos Eduardo
Again Raquel
I'm sendig you the homework of part B of the exercise 6, Unit 12.
Five years ago, My family and I visited the farm of my friends in Sonsón. We return by bus when the driver stopped the bus on the way, he turned down and the passengers remain inside the vehicle when, suddenly, The bus started to run by the slope. Every body was afraid when inexpectedly a woman falls down and, unfortunately, the bus treaded her legs and breaked them.
The accident would have cause more harms because it was running down by the slope without driver, when surprisingly, my brother leaped to the stop pedal and stopped the bus.
Hi, Carlos Eduardo.
I'm Luis Orlando.
I found in Internet topics about "Moments" (Jorge Luis Borges or Nadine Stair).
I make a copy in this site. Pherhaps, I'll bring to next class a long document that talk about this confusion: Who wrote this poem ?
Jorge Luis Borges
Translated by Alastair Reid
If I were able to live my life again,
next time I would try to make more mistakes.
I would not try to be so perfect. I would be more relaxed.
I would be much more foolish than I have been. In fact,
I would take very few things seriously.
I would be much less sanitary.
I would run more risks. I would take more trips,
I would contemplate more sunsets,
I would climb more mountains,
I would swim more rivers.
I would go to more places I have never visited.
I would eat more ice cream and fewer beans.
I would have more real problems, fewer imaginary ones.
I was one of these people who lived prudently
and prolifically every moment of his life.
Certainly I had moments of great happiness:
Don’t let the present slip away.
I was one of those who never went anywhere
without a thermometer, a hot water bottle,
an umbrella, and a parachute.
If I could live over again,
I would go barefoot, beginning
in early spring
and would continue so until the end of autumn.
I would take more turns on the merry-go-round.
I would watch more dawns
And play with more children,
if I once again had a life ahead of me.
But, you see, I am eighty-five
and I know that I am dying.
Jorge Luis Borges
Translated by Alastair Reid
If I were able to live my life again,
next time I would try to make more mistakes.
I would not try to be so perfect. I would be more relaxed.
I would be much more foolish than I have been. In fact,
I would take very few things seriously.
I would be much less sanitary.
I would run more risks. I would take more trips,
I would contemplate more sunsets,
I would climb more mountains,
I would swim more rivers.
I would go to more places I have never visited.
I would eat more ice cream and fewer beans.
I would have more real problems, fewer imaginary ones.
I was one of these people who lived prudently
and prolifically every moment of his life.
Certainly I had moments of great happiness:
Don’t let the present slip away.
I was one of those who never went anywhere
without a thermometer, a hot water bottle,
an umbrella, and a parachute.
If I could live over again,
I would go barefoot, beginning
in early spring
and would continue so until the end of autumn.
I would take more turns on the merry-go-round.
I would watch more dawns
And play with more children,
if I once again had a life ahead of me.
But, you see, I am eighty-five
and I know that I am dying.
I`m going to talk about Indian customs.
When a person greets another person and touches his or her chest after he or she gives the hand, It means the person feels respect for the other person.
When a person accidentally hits another person, who hits touches softly the part of body where he o she hits and after touches her o his forehead. It means “I’m sorry”, “ please, pardon me” and “ Excuse me”.
In India when people don’t know other people, they put together their hands and bend on their hands. In the church when the priest says “ give us a greeting peace” people do the same action.
If a person comes for the first time to a house the owner of the house washes his or her feet. It’s a welcoming sign. It’s a ritual only for those who are welcomed.
It’s very frequently that the father serves the foot at the table when an important person comes home. He attends everybody. It means respect for the guest.
When a person is welcomed to a place, the host gives to that person a necklace of flowers like in Hawaii.
Hi Carlos. In 2004 I read a book about excuses. I`ll write a part of that book. Maybe we can translate for the next class about excuses. It´s a joke from Internet.
Entre las falsas creencias sobre el sexo están la de que el hombre esta siempre dispuesto a practicarlo y la de que la mujer lo considera tan excitante como una dosis de bicarbonato. A estas tesis machistas hace referencia el inventario de excusas de un “internauta”:
“Querida esposa: Como no se puede hablar contigo sobre este asunto, puesto que te acaloras, someto a tu consideración esta estadística: el pasado año he tratado de seducirte 365 veces. Sólo lo logré en 36 de ellas ( una cada 10 días). Te expongo los motivos de mis continuos fracasos:
“Se pueden despertar los niños” (17 veces)
“Hace calor” (15)
“Hace frío” (5)
“Estabas cansada” (52)
“Era muy tarde” (23)
“Era muy temprano”(15)
“Te hiciste la dormida” (69)
“La ventana estaba abierta y podían vernos los vecinos” (9)
“Dolor de cabeza” (9)
“Dolor de muelas” (2)
“Dolor de espalda” (15)
“Rezabas y no era el momento” (4)
“Habías cenado o comido demasiado” (10)
“No estabas de humor” (21)
“El niño lloraba” (17)
“Viste la televisión hasta tarde” (7)
“Se te podía estropear el nuevo peinado” (12)
“Hubo visitas” (11)
“No era el día” (19)
En total, 329 veces. De las 36 que tuve suerte, no todo fue satisfactorio: 21 veces me dijiste que me apresurara y terminara de una vez; 2 me quitaste la inspiración, al comentar que el techo necesitaba pintura; una te distrajo una mosca; 11 tuve que despertarte para decirte que ya había terminado; una tuve miedo de haberte lastimado, pues me pareció sentir que te movías. Te quiere. Tu marido.”
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