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Do you have a complaint? Write a letter to the responsible and express your disatisfaction.
- The Teacher -
By Carlos Vasquez
To run a marathon you must have LEGS... to win a marathon you must have HEART.
Dave Weinbaum
A clever person turns great troubles into little ones and little ones into none at all.
Chinese Proverb
43 comentarios:
dear teacher
dear teacher.
I bought a new jaket in your store, but when i was wearing the jaket,it has a stain on them and was torn too. i think if you can return my money please
Manager,Brian´s store
A week ago I bought a computer in your store,when you delivered it I noticed that the mouse keeps going dead,besides one of the woofers had a strange noise. I was worried and I decided took it back to the store, fortunately I had my receipt, I told clerk the problems, he checked it but he didn´t like replace it, so I decided write you because I need the computer in good state or the refund of the money.
I hope soon your answer,
Sandy Mars
Diana Llano
level 9
El Retiro, February 16th to 2007
Dear sirs:
Medellín city
Subjet: cancellation of telephone service.
I solicited you a change of my own telephone line to my new direction, but your company has solicited me a lot of documents that I dont have in this moment.
When I bought the telephone line nobody ask me for a writing permissiion to install it in this house and now is necesary this documents and others that the house ownwer cant give me.
Im very dissatisfied with its service, so that I prefer to cancel the telephone line.
Tanks for your attention.
Yours truly.
Nubia Velásquez.
rionegro Antioquia
people of Aguas de rionegro(waters of rionegro)
this letter is for making you know that the water is really dirty, sometimes when you are taking a shower the water begins to make it dirty and black, in some towns or cities you can drink it, but in rionegro is imposible drink water, maybe you can die for drink it.
many people give you letter or say you that the water is bad, but you dont do anything about it, you have to think that the clients are people that pay you for a good service.
thanks for read it.
PD:i'm waitng for a good water.
thanks eduardo antonio franco lara (tony)
February 16
Dear Teacher,
My best friend bought a new car last week. The car has a crack. The crack started at the windshield where it is bolted down so I think it is two problems: installation and material composition. To be honest she and I loved the body style and many other things about this when she bought it, but in the future she will make sure to notice these situations that these auto manufacturers try to get by with to cut costs.
We need a suggestion.
What do she do whit this car?
What do you think about this?
Aura Patricia Ochoa
hi teacher, here's my comment
to: DELL
from: Sandra ferrer
who belong's to:
2 years ago i bougth a laptop. i use it every day and last week i noticed that the leter ñññññ keeps jaming. i don't understand why, 'cause i'm very carefull with my labtop, i called to the company to solve my problem, and the man who was encharged told me that it wasn't company's problem 'cause the garanty was expired.
but it wasn't. help me please
thank you
sorry teacher it's warranty
Manager, Elizabeth's ornaments supply:
Three weeks ago, I bought a desk lamp in your store but I discovered it was damaged when I used it at home. It started flickering and I saw that the lamp shade was chipped. The clerk sold me the lamp without testing it because he was busy and he gave me the closed box.I thought it was strange but I didn't say anything because I had my guarantee.The lamp is stained too. I think the lamp needs to be replaced but the clerk refused to exchange it. I hope you can help me with this problem and I expect to have a lamp in better conditions.
Please, respond in writing to:
Jessica Lopez with adress Apple street 07-32
I enjoy riding bicycle and many people say I´m a good in this. to be good ride, you need both a good bicycle and self-confidence. you need a lot of practice and have a great instructor .
some people learn to ride bicycle by taking classes or by following the instructions of the other people.I first learned how to ride bicycle by watching my boyfriend and helping his in the way.then you see away, don´t see the tire, and travel for a way very big and try to travel for a line. you need protect your head, hands and knees too.
learn to do it is very simple, very easy and you don´t need a lot of time for learn this.
remember you need practice.
dear helmet dealer:
I bought a helmet two months ago and the abatible part does not work properly, know I want you te exchange my helmet for a anwe one.
if you need the invoice, I have it. I hope an answer as soon as posible.
thank you
santiago lópez
Hello teacher, here's my comment:
For the cell phone dealer:
Last week I bought a nice cell phone, with nice ringtones, a 3.5 megapixel camera, 2.5 Gb of memory to store information and music, and other nice stuff. Two days after the deal, I was with my girlfriend at the museum trying to take some phtographs with the phone, but it didn't work propperly: the pictures we had taken was unfocused. I tried taking more photograps with the phone, but all of them had the same problem. I'd like to change the phone for a new one that works propperly, or take my money back. I'm waiting for yor answer.
¡Hello teacher!
I like very much the accessories like earring, necklace and bracelet. I enjoy making and combining these. If you want to make accessories you need dedication, creativity and patience; because you should dedicate very much time by make it and create new designs.
Some people learn to make accessories by taking classes or by seeing other people working with this. I learned to make accessories by taking a short course and by buying magazines about how to make accessories. In these magazines you can to see designs and instructions for to make each accessory.
More difficult about to learn it was you need to be very much careful because it is a hand work and the parts are very delicate. Don’t repeat designs, in moments, is difficult.
Aura Patricia Ochoa
hello teacher
i like playing soccer, i am not the best but i think that i'm good for it, many people say me and offered me to be in a soccer team but i cant because i have a lot of homeworks to do i dont have time to play it.
if you are going to play soccer you need a lot of physical state and a good pair of tennis, but if you are going to be a professional soccer player you have to be very disciplined and you could improve it by practicing and watching to someone playing.
when i was a child my father gave a ball, and he told me kick the ball!! i every day practiced, when i was nine i started playing in FORJADORES FC, i was forward i trained there for three or four years, now i i am in the high school and i don not have time to practice and i got out the team because first you have to study.
the most difficult thing to learn for me is the technique of the ball, ande the easiest is shoting.
by tony (eduardo antonio franco lara)
I enjoy playing the piano , since I was seven years old played it, to be a good pianist, you need to be very patient, perseverant and creative and the most important thing is the love and dedication for the music.
many people learn to play the piano by taking classes or by simply they born with this talent.
I learned how to play tha piano by taking classes, first I was learning at house´s culture and then with a private taecher , the most difficult about learning it was to coordinate the hands but persevering I got it and have made two concerts and on December I always played the carols in the novenas
diana llano
level 9- saturday
I enjoy swimming, though I don't do it often. To be successful at it you need perseverance and self-confidence . You should practice a lot and not to be afraid from the water.
Some people learn to swim by taking classes or by practicing by themselves.I first learned how to swim by taking some classes and watching people swimming to imitate the movements. At first, I was shy with the water but then I became more confident because I could do the exercises in a right way. Well, I practiced each 8 days and I learned how to swim in different ways. In general, to learn how to swim was easy for me because the classes were kinesthetic, much practice and the teacher was patient with her students. It was difficult to me to swim face upward but I had perceverance and I could make it.
Jessica Lopez
Martial arts
People would be a good harateka, taekwondoka or judoteka if they have discipline and take classes three or four days a week.
For practicing this hobby is necesary to follow steps and specific instructions.
There are two ways to learn martial arts:
Some people learn martial arts by taking classes or by reading books and practicing alone.
I enjoy practicing martial arts.
I first learned martial arts by taking classes in my school and practicing with my partners. Then I improve it by reading books.
The most difficult topic about learning martial arts are coordinate movements and to memorize the diagramas.
Nubia V.
hello teacher these is my letter of complaint
( please read my letter)
Two weeks ago i bought a pair of shoes in your store in Rionegro. After wearing two times, i noticed that my new shoes are damaged; they broke on the heals.
I am a legal person, in this way I want that you recognaize the accident
Thank you
jesinia zuluaga lòpez
postscript: I want that you change my red shoes for black ones
hello teacher these is my letter of complaint
( please read my letter)
Two weeks ago i bought a pair of shoes in your store in Rionegro. After wearing two times, i noticed that my new shoes are damaged; they broke on the heals.
I am a legal person, in this way I want that you recognaize the accident
Thank you
jesinia zuluaga lòpez
postscript: I want that you change my red shoes for black ones
Hi again teacher
Althought you can imagine i enjoy driving car and i am a good driver.
for learning drive a car you need concentration, dedication and self- confidence... and logically a good car.
Many people goes to driver academy or someones prefer that other confident person teach them; in my case i took clases with an academy here in Rionegro.
I learned driving a car to turning on it and moving the gearshift but the most dificult thing was to get started in a foot... it did to cry me teacher because i wanted to learn.
In sometimes driving a car relax me.
Hi again teacher
Althought you can imagine i enjoy driving car and i am a good driver.
for learning drive a car you need concentration, dedication and self- confidence... and logically a good car.
Many people goes to driver academy or someones prefer that other confident person teach them; in my case i took clases with an academy here in Rionegro.
I learned driving a car to turning on it and moving the gearshift but the most dificult thing was to get started in a foot... it did to cry me teacher because i wanted to learn.
In sometimes driving a car relax me.
hi teacher
my best friend seems intolerant a lot. she speak very bad when is angry and shouting all the time. I don´t know she´s having a bad temper by things that no tell to me she isn´t now special with me.How can I convince her to have more patience?
=I think tha you can speak with she and try of anderstand her situation,then tel she that have more patience with people and try to take the control in all.
hello teacher
my mom is very nervous, when i go out at night(she call me a lot), when my fahter take a trip, or when she take an airplane, she is very scared, she cries, get angry then she has a headache and sometimes she becomes ill, she looks very bad. how can i help? what can i do?
1- maybe you can talk with she and try to tranquilize.
2- you can go to the neurologist doctor
3- go to the psychologist and he will try to tranquilize your mom
4- give a trnquilizar tablet
5- don't go out, don't take a trip, don't take and airplene, and your mom can be happy.
Eduardo Antonio Franco Lara. (tony)
PD. sorry i forgot to type my name
hello teacher
Iam 32 years old and single. I am an accountant for a large business in new York city. The company pays me a lot of money, and i like my job.
my boyfriend is a wonderful person, but he and his cousin are buying a restaurant in Colombia, in a small town in Antioquia. Now he wants to marry him and leave New york. There are no large accounting companies there. What am i going to do?
money or man
Dear money or man.
Doyou love this man or do you love money? There are many jobs in Antioquia, i am sure. Money is not going to buy happiness. Listen your heart and think about it.
Good Luck!
WRITING A letter of advice
Problem: I argue with my boyfriend all the time. I try to do nice things for him, but we always end up in a fight. I can't put up with this much longer - what can I do?
Dear Frustrated:You should learn to control the temper, when you think that a fight will start, you should count from 1 to 10 and breath slowly. Talk to him quietly and try to solve the problems in the most tranquil way. If it doesn't work, both of you should talk about your relation, how much love you feel, what problems you have and why you always end up in a fight. If you realize that there isn't anything between you, you should finish your relation and be just friends, but if you realize that there's a good reason to persist, in the moment of a fight, remember why you fell in love.
With affection, Troublesolver
Jessica Lopez
unit 9
I argue with my girlfriend all the time. I try to do nice things for her, but we always end up in a fight. I can´t put up with this much longer- what can I do?
one thing you could do is to talk with her and ask her why always is she bad-tempered? and why don´t you make an agreement for not making the tings that each one bother, and maybe you could be more tolerant and patient or have you thought about planing fun activities every week to forget for a while the problems? if the suggestions don´t show results the better idea would be you broke up with her
diana llano
hello teacher here is my advice
zonia 34: hello i´m a single mother and i don´t know what to do with my child; he's very nervous and every night he want´s to sleep with me. at first i tought that it was a normal situation, but now hw is 12 and nothing change. i need a light please help me
one thing you could do is to take you child with an specialist, because it's not a common problem, or maybe you can talk with him and ask him why he is allways afraid.
why don´t you talk with his teacher maybe she can help you to look for the real problem. what about telling him of his father, kids needs to know some things that they don't understand.
take care
Suggestions about anxious girl.
Why dont you visit a doctor?
Maybe you could improve your diet.
One thing you could do is go to the gym or practice one sport.
Have you thought about sleeping more hours?
It might be a good idea to take vitamins.
Other thing you could do is go to the spa and take a massage.
Maybe you could go on holidays.
Nubia Velásquez
My future.
In a year time:
I will live in el Retiro.
I will be studing in the university.
I will have gote marriage.
In a period of five years time:
I will work abroad.
I will be administring a big company.
I will have gote enought money to run my own business.
In five years time too:
I will have graduated from the university.
I will have learned how to communicate in perfect english.
I will be building my own house.
I wont have finished my education.
I wont have grown my children yet.
I wont have visited more than five countries.
When I get my retirement:
I will have changed my phisical appearance.
I will have saved enought money to support my own living.
I will be dedicating my free time to write memories.
Nubia Velásquez.
hi teacher:
in a year
-i will be finishing my high school in canada and learning english, vocabulary, speaking
in five years
-i will be studing international bussiness
-maybe i will be living in medellin
three things i'll have accomplished
1- i will speak english perfectly
2- i will have finished my university
3- i will be working with a company .
three things i won't have accomplished
1- i wont be married
2-i wont have founded my own company
3-i wont have bought my own car and my own house
4- i wont have traveled around the world.
eduardo antonio franco lara (tony)
what do you think you`ll be doing a year from now?
I will be doing all my career of international business in the Catolic University and so I Think That i will be singing in a bar becase is a joby very funny for me.
five years from now?
I will be working in my own factory of international business and i think that can have others factories in others places of the world.
do you think you`ll be living in the same place?
I think that is posible, but i don`t know because i want to travel for the world with my business and i`ll be living in different countries.
what are three things you think you`ll have accomplished within the next five year?
first i`ll have my own factory,
second i`ll have my owm house and my car and finally i`ll have my own money, much money for making more business, for my family and for me; for living how a queen.
what are the things you won`t have done within the next five years?
first i won`t have my mother with me,and finally i won`t have good look whit my music because my business are more important that it.
in what ways do you think you`ll have changed by the time you retire?
i think that i`ll have changed in my knowledge about of the business because whit the time it`s more big and i`ll have changed in the english because so with the time it`s more correc.
In a year i`ll be studying at the university i don`t know what career yet.
In five years, i`ll be mother of two wonderful children and living at the same place.
i think that within then next five years, i´ll have a big family, a great ripness experience and the last and most important, my own bussiness with my husband.
one thing that i won`t have done it could be traveling around the world, won`t have played any sport, and won`t have been 26 years old.
finally i don`t know how will be my future since tomorrow.
I think I´ll be studing another english course to practise and to improve about vocabulary, listening, speaking, in other words about everything and I´ll take a fashion design course to know about cloth, colors, tendency, and accesories to complement my knowledge about confection in industrial machine
I´ll have my own business and I´ll be a english teacher and I´ll be a very good chef too.
And I think I´ll still be living in the same place
I´ll have finished my studies about english and fashion design and thanks to my mother I´ll be a very good chef, but there are three things I won´t have done within the next five years: getting married, having children, having a motorcycle.
I think I´ll have changed about the enthusiasm and optimism to see the life and I won´t like feel me tired neither defeated to any age.
diana llano
level 9 saturday
what do you think you'll be doing a year from now?
in a year í'll be doing my proseninal practic, in Bogotá, and almost finishing my carreer. i'll be living whit my grandparents and studing in the Universidad Javeriana.
five years from now?
probably i'll be working in my profession around Colombia, restoring buildings and creating some new buildings.
i don´t think that i'll still be living in the same place. i think i'll be a kind of nomad
Three things i won't have done
-i won't be a mother
-i won't be married
-i won't finish my education, because i hope to study and learn more and more.
Three things i'll have accomplishied within:
-i'll have my own apartament
-i'll have my own car
-i'll speak english perfectly
when i get my retirement
-i'll have bougth a farmer
-i'll built a lot of buildings
-i'll changed my life style
hi teacher
Level 10
Sr Mayor
I am a citizen from this beautiful city and I am worried because people shouldn´t be so neglected about all problems.
There are a lot of problems here but one of the bigest is traffic jam.
first of all since that the treaffic lights were instaled, the city became in a confusion in an absolute caos.
Driving at downtown is so dificult, There are traffic lights on steets where aren´t necessary .
Goverments shouldn´t spend so money in unnecessary things.
The traffic lights should be retered and so the city traffic might improve.
by the way, I am sorry but I can not go to next class because I have to go to work whole day.by the way, I am sorry but I can not go to next class because I have to go to work whole day.thanks a lot.
Rionegro September 10th 2009
Mr. Minister of Transport
Dear minister, nowadays I'm too worried, because the highway network in our country is in terrible condition, hence do not understand, where resources are invested, the government has intended to maintain highways departmental communication.
It is sad to know that negligence on the part of many national organizations, has resulted in impassable highways.
I invite you, to a tour of our country and understand how the current state of the highways, and take the tools to improve mobility across the national territory.
Edier Alzate (10 Level)
Dear mayor
I am a student of tenth grade but that wants very much her city, for this I want to raise some problems that having the this city. They are great but only I will say some in order which he could help us.
I believe that the young men are the fundamental topic and you should him dedicate more time; educating them, informing them, on the consequences of the problems in which they might fall down.
Also it seems to me the displaced ones are an important problem since due to the violence and the unemployment they are taking the option to come for rionegro I imagine that in order to find better opportunities.
Also there is many beggarliness and this one is a delicate problem. These persons might go out forward if there was created a place in which they educate them, qualify them and them help in their needs or for they were rehabilitating. And this way they will be able to achieve more sources of work.
For: Sandra Catalina Triana Galeano
Dear mayor
I am a student of tenth grade but that wants very much her city, for this I want to raise some problems that having the this city. They are great but only I will say some in order which he could help us.
I believe that the young men are the fundamental topic and you should him dedicate more time; educating them, informing them, on the consequences of the problems in which they might fall down.
Also it seems to me the displaced ones are an important problem since due to the violence and the unemployment they are taking the option to come for rionegro I imagine that in order to find better opportunities.
Also there is many beggarliness and this one is a delicate problem. These persons might go out forward if there was created a place in which they educate them, qualify them and them help in their needs or for they were rehabilitating. And this way they will be able to achieve more sources of work.
For: Sandra Catalina Triana Galeano
Dear mayor
I am a student of tenth grade but that wants very much her city, for this I want to raise some problems that having the this city. They are great but only I will say some in order which he could help us.
I believe that the young men are the fundamental topic and you should him dedicate more time; educating them, informing them, on the consequences of the problems in which they might fall down.
Also it seems to me the displaced ones are an important problem since due to the violence and the unemployment they are taking the option to come for rionegro I imagine that in order to find better opportunities.
Also there is many beggarliness and this one is a delicate problem. These persons might go out forward if there was created a place in which they educate them, qualify them and them help in their needs or for they were rehabilitating. And this way they will be able to achieve more sources of work.
Sandra Catalina Triana Galeano
Secretary of traffic
I am motorcyclist, and I think that is very important that the people wear the helmet all the time because this is a way for avoid the accidents.
I think that is very important that the traffic has a line of emergency because many people need call this line for request help in any moment.
Sometime the motorcyclists are imprudent because they drive between cars and they cause accidents between the people on the car and the couple the motorcycle.
I have a suggestion about the people drive with more people that the law allows: you should force the people for assist to different conferences for this people take aware the danger that they cause with more people in motorcycle.
I think that this strategy is very interesting for all the own and this plan prevent more accidents.
Thank you for you attention
Yulieth Arbelaez
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