You want to practice? this exercise is going to be helpful to you. It's focused on the grammar topic we studied last Saturday.
- Carlos E. -
By Carlos Vasquez
To run a marathon you must have LEGS... to win a marathon you must have HEART.
Dave Weinbaum
A clever person turns great troubles into little ones and little ones into none at all.
Chinese Proverb
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Do you want i talk about story more beautiful that you never again might listen?
Yes ? No? Sure? Yeah?
Many, many year ago, existed a civilization where everythings were perfect.
Each one knew why they were in the universe. Everything were perfect. All understand the nature language: the plants, the animals, the water, the wind, the day, the night, the men. All them knew each other.
Hey brother tree, said the water. Hello sister water, said the tree. What do you do?
Y want to refresh your branches, brother tree.
Hello brother sun. Hi sister Water
The plants gave your best flower to do happily the nature.
In those time everthing was purity.
Unfortunatelly anything began to change: the man lost the capacity to understand de nature. The man couldn´t talk and understand the plants and the animals. The man couldn’t not already understand the message when the wind touched his face or the sun or the moon when they were going to do happily his life.
Strangely all changed… What happened?
The men believed that they could manipulate the nature. Those that any time were his unconditional friends sadly began to attack for it.
Suddenly everything changed. The nature began to take revenge.
Brother wind, sister water, brother sun, sister rain joined his force to make him undertand that they still undertood the languages with which some day and anywhere whole nature was understood.
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